Monday, February 6, 2012

The Transgression Letters. Que Triste!

Letter #1

Dear Judge,
I know I was speeding. I know that speeding is against the law. I felt that in this circumstance, my actions were justified because I was on my way to the animal hospital with my dog, who had been caught under the garage door as it closed. He was injured and needed urgent care, and because there were no other drivers or pedestrians on the road whose safety I could possibly have jeopardized by speeding, I felt justified in speeding. Luckily, I was pulled over as I reached the parking lot of the animal hospital and my brother was able to rush the dog inside while I received a ticket. We were informed that had we been a minute later, the dog would not have survived, but because we got him there on time they were able to save him. He would join me in thanking you for dismissing this speeding case, especially considering that this is my fourth ticket this month, and if it is upheld my driving privileges will be revoked. I will admit the other tickets were justified, but please consider waiving the charges and fine on this one. Thank you for understanding.

Letter #2

I'm writing to let you know how the dog is doing. I have some good news and some bad news... the good news: he is healed! We got him to the hospital in time! The bad news: I got a ticket right as we got there. I was pretty upset about it since it's my fourth ticket this month. None of the others were for things that were really that bad, but this one especially shouldn't count. I wrote a letter to the judge, and I'm pretty sure he's going to dismiss it, so don't worry too much. If he dismisses it, I'll get to keep my license and it should be great! If you have a minute though, I'd like to call and talk to you guys about helping with the insurance, now that it's gone up...

Letter #3

Dear Classmates of mine,
I am really sorry! Who would have thought that as soon as I am irrevocably designated to be the class bus driver for our upcoming field trip, that I would get four tickets in one month after only having gotten one in my whole life up until now! This last ticket was really ridiculous, I was taking my dog to the hospital after he got smashed in the garage door and I was only going like ten miles per hour over the speed limit. I've written a letter to the judge to try to get him to dismiss the ticket, and it would be awesome if you guys would consider writing too! If this ticket stays, they'll take my license and I won't be able to drive myself anywhere, let alone take the whole class with me. I know you guys will back me up on this, because you are all great! Thanks so much! I am excited for the field trip.


  1. Creative how you used the dog story to help get sympathy with the judge, classmates, and your mom. Good job on your letter to the Judge when you admitted responsibility for the tickets, you are more likely to receive mercy than if you hadn't.

  2. A story about a dog? Could this get any better? Nope. I may have already told someone their post was my favorite. But apparently, I was lying. Because yours definitely takes the cake.
