Monday, February 27, 2012

20 Ideas!

Ok. I hope this list of 20 things does not have to be completely made up of issues-paper-ready issues. Because mine probably won't be : )

1. History of sports
2. Politics in sports
3. Sports in general
4. Old books
5. History of religion
6. History of how religion is practiced
7. Relationships between people
8. Animals
9. History of the United States
10. History of art
11. Physics
12. Exploration
13. Behavioral psychology
14. Efficiency
15. Writing
16. Reading
17. Learning
18. Influence
19. Modern technology
20. Family

There we go! A list of 20 things I am interested in. It's definitely not comprehensive. Hopefully I will be able to pick something to write about from this. The brainstorming I did while making this list did help me think of some possibilities that I hadn't thought of before.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Paper Improvements & Favorite Movies

Improvements to my paper:

1. Change all my n-dashes to m-dashes
2. Unify my voice throughout the paper
3. Clarify some confusing sentences, specifically on pages 2 and 4

And now for my favorite movies! There are a lot. And they are in no particular order.

  • Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Harry Potter (I feel like these all fall in the same category)
  • Pirates of the Carribean (all three, but the first one is the best)
  • The Princess Bride and Stardust
  • She's the Man
  • High School Musical (don't judge me : P The first and third ones are the best)
  • Inception
  • The Lion King, The Jungle Book, and The Emperor's New Groove
  • Oscar (I haven't met a ton of people who have seen or even heard of this one, but it is hilarious! The summary doesn't do it justice, but look it up and then watch it when you can:
  • 17 Miracles
  • Forever Strong and Remember the Titans
  • While You Were Sleeping
Well, these are a few among many, and I'm sure I'll think of more later. Although, if I can't even remember them right away, how much of a favorite can they really be, right? I think I need to start watching more movies more often : P

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Love Story: Scripture Edition!


An epistle of Kermit to his girlfriend, Miss Piggy—He expresseth his love—He asketh her on a date.

And it came to pass, that as Kermit dwelt in the swamp, he did write an epistle to his girlfriend, Miss Piggy, and these are the words which he did write:

2. O Miss Piggy, my heart is full of love for thee!

3. Behold, thou art fair, my love. Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn, which came up from the washing; whereof every one bear twins, and none is barren among them.

4. Thy countenance is as the shining of the sun and doth fill my soul with happiness.

5. My heart is also filled with sorrow, with sorrow my heart runneth o’er, because that thou art far from me.

6. Miss Piggy, I beseech of thee that thou wouldst go on a date with me. Doth Friday at the twelfth hour work for thee?


An epistle written by the hand of Miss Piggy, to Kermit—She loveth him as well—She accepteth his offer of a date.

It came to pass, that Miss Piggy did receive the epistle of Kermit on the fourteenth day of the second month of the twenty-hundred and twelfth year since the coming of our Lord.

2. And when she did receive these things, her heart was filled with joy for the tender mercies of the Lord in sending her a boyfriend.

3. And it came to pass, that she did write back to him, and these are the words of Miss Piggy, written by her own hand:

4. Kermit, my love, I send thee this epistle, written by mine own hand and accompanied by my love.

5. Thy greenness doth soothe my troubled heart, and the thought of thee in my mind doth carry me through the troubled days and keepeth me warm through the cold nights.

6. Fear not, my love, for I will return to thee upon the morrow, and the time that we have been apart shall seem to me but a day, because of the love for thee that is in my heart.

7. My heart rejoiceth within me that thou didst ask me on a date, and I would that I had words to express to thee how much I would love to go!


Kermit and Miss Piggy are married—Their generations are set forth.

And it came to pass, that on the twenty-seventh day of the third month of the twenty-hundred and twelfth year since the coming of our Lord, Kermit and Miss Piggy were married.

2. And they did multiply and replenish the earth.

3. And it came to pass that Kermit begat Kermit Jr.

4. And Kermit Jr. begat Kermit III.

5. And Kermit III begat two sons and he did name them Shadrach and Harold.

6. And Shadrach died tragically in his youth, and Harold was highly favored of his father and did receive the birthright. And Harold begat Frederick.

7. And Frederick was exceedingly righteous, and was taken up by the Lord, and thus ended the posterity of Kermit.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Simile #1: Whenever he thought of her, his heart started to pound like a jackhammer. Fortunately for him, unlike a jackhammer, his heart did not break him into little pieces as it pounded.

Simile #2: They saw each other for the first time as they passed in the crosswalk, and it was like time had stopped, but only for them, because the longer they continued to stand in the road, the angrier the drivers who were kept waiting became.

Simile #3: Their hands found each other, and their fingers interlocked like ten little pigs that had tried to run through a fence and gotten stuck.

Simile #4: It's over. With those two words his world was crushed as badly as the cat he had accidentally run over earlier that week.

Simile #5: Cathy's love for John was as strong as old velcro that doesn't really work anymore. The more she thought about it, the more she figured she had better find someone else.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Transgression Letters. Que Triste!

Letter #1

Dear Judge,
I know I was speeding. I know that speeding is against the law. I felt that in this circumstance, my actions were justified because I was on my way to the animal hospital with my dog, who had been caught under the garage door as it closed. He was injured and needed urgent care, and because there were no other drivers or pedestrians on the road whose safety I could possibly have jeopardized by speeding, I felt justified in speeding. Luckily, I was pulled over as I reached the parking lot of the animal hospital and my brother was able to rush the dog inside while I received a ticket. We were informed that had we been a minute later, the dog would not have survived, but because we got him there on time they were able to save him. He would join me in thanking you for dismissing this speeding case, especially considering that this is my fourth ticket this month, and if it is upheld my driving privileges will be revoked. I will admit the other tickets were justified, but please consider waiving the charges and fine on this one. Thank you for understanding.

Letter #2

I'm writing to let you know how the dog is doing. I have some good news and some bad news... the good news: he is healed! We got him to the hospital in time! The bad news: I got a ticket right as we got there. I was pretty upset about it since it's my fourth ticket this month. None of the others were for things that were really that bad, but this one especially shouldn't count. I wrote a letter to the judge, and I'm pretty sure he's going to dismiss it, so don't worry too much. If he dismisses it, I'll get to keep my license and it should be great! If you have a minute though, I'd like to call and talk to you guys about helping with the insurance, now that it's gone up...

Letter #3

Dear Classmates of mine,
I am really sorry! Who would have thought that as soon as I am irrevocably designated to be the class bus driver for our upcoming field trip, that I would get four tickets in one month after only having gotten one in my whole life up until now! This last ticket was really ridiculous, I was taking my dog to the hospital after he got smashed in the garage door and I was only going like ten miles per hour over the speed limit. I've written a letter to the judge to try to get him to dismiss the ticket, and it would be awesome if you guys would consider writing too! If this ticket stays, they'll take my license and I won't be able to drive myself anywhere, let alone take the whole class with me. I know you guys will back me up on this, because you are all great! Thanks so much! I am excited for the field trip.

Well, here is my found poem.

Once again,
I couldn't help wondering.
Who once had been
In that head.
Had lived there.
Had looked out
Through those eyes.
Had heard
Through those ears.

This is from some of my required reading for psychology, and it is so fun to read because it is a novel and not a textbook. I was reading it and thought it would make a good found poem, so I turned it into one.

Oh, and it is from the book I Am a Strange Loop by Douglas Hofstadter.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blog Post - At the Last MInute

I chose Dear Students: Don't Let College Unplug Your Future by Gideon Burton.

1. His intent is to make college students aware of some ways that they can and must use technology to help them in their lives. He is trying to persuade them to see his point of view and act on it.

2. One of his biggest tools is to use language to try and connect with his intended audience. He tries to establish his Ethos with his audience by using a voice that relates to them.

3. I think that the audience's reaction is what the author was going for. As a result of this I started thinking about what I can do now to build my presence online in a professional way to help me out in the future. So I think it worked.

Hmm... it was interesting to google this paper and see that the author is a BYU professor. Haha and as I just wrote that, a guy who looks a lot like the old picture of him on the site I looked up walked by.